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Zone of Law

School: Conformity | Level: 9

Range: 0 Components: V,S,M
Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' x 10' cube per level Save: None
Subtlety: +10 Knockdown: None
Sensory: Audio (Small), Visual (Medium) Critical: None

This spell enforces the will of law on an entire area of three dimensional space. The caster creates a Zone of Law, where certain conditions happen. First, Wild Magic will never work within the area of effect. Second, all spells cast from now on within this area that have random parameters will work identically. The random roll is replaced with the average of the minimum and maximum possible values, rounding up. So, a spell with a duration of 2d4 rounds will have a duration of ((2+8)/2) =5 rounds whenever cast in this area, and a 7th level fireball that does 7d6 points of damage will do ((7+42)/2) =25 points of damage whenever cast within a Zone of Law.
A third condition that now occurs deals with behavior. Creatures in the area will exhibit strong lawful tendencies regardless of alignment. Chaotic-aligned characters must save versus spell or be lawful while in this area, and neutral characters always become lawful. Lawful characters become lawful neutral while in the area. These effects only last while in the area, and if the character or creature leaves the area, their alignments are restored to normal.
The material components to this spell are 3 diamonds worth no less than 1000 GP each, around each of which is wrapped a strand of hair freely given from each of the lawful alignments: evil, neutral, and good. All components are crushed into powder and tossed into the area of effect during the casting, thus being consumed by the spell.