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Primordial Lizardlings

On Primordial worlds, or worlds with young races on them, explorers may discover a race known collectively as "Lizardlings." This is somewhat misleading, as there is no true Lizardling (unless you count their god Cheraling). Instead, the term is used to collectively identify several different subraces that live and work together in a civilized manner.

Lizardling society is mostly lawful neutral. They believe in their strict heirarchy and that they should not leave the path given to them at birth by Cheraling. You will most likely never encounter a chaotic lizardling.

Each subrace has a niche it fills in lizardling society. Rexlings are good warriors, Froglings are good amphibious thieves, Storlings make incredible scouts, Slavelings do most of the labor, so on and so forth. The society has a somewhat militaristic structure, as many lawful neutral societies do. The undisputed leaders are not warriors, though. By birth, dragonlings are born to be leaders. Most frequently, dragonlings become priests (of the purple cloak), although they can also be minor warriors or lesser priests of the orange cloak. So, although the society is militaristic, the leadership is religious - a dangerous and powerful combination to be certain. One major drawback to lizardling society is that they must work together to be successful. A single subrace is good at one thing but often very bad at others. If the subraces stopped cooperating, stopped appreciating teamwork, it would most certainly spell the end for the Lizardlings. In fact, many sages speculate that this is why they are found only in primitive areas of the Prime worlds - once they progress too far they stop working together and slowly fade into history.

The heirarchy is very simply for lizardlings: Dragonlings are at the top, and they command all other subraces. They are the smallest in numbers of any of the subraces, but they are similar to kings in power. No lizardling would dare to disobey a dragonling, for fear of the immense power they can wield. You can usually find one dragonling for every one-hundred of the other subraces in a settlement together. On dragonling, usually a high level purple priest, is the undisputed leader. His or Her (lizardlings treat males and females equally) leadership is absolute and cannot be challenged in any way.

All festivals celebrated by the lziardlings are religious or warlike in nature. They celebrate victories, plead after defeats, and hold several religious events throughout the year.

The lizardling architecture is primarily stone or packed mud, with a periodic bit of wood. They build to last. Their style is similar to the ancient aztecs, with religious and scientific pyramids, square stone buildings to live in, and the like.

Check out the subraces for more detail, and look back here in the future!